Johnny Depp makes weird confession about River Phoenix death in recent "Rolling Stone" interview

He claims he's had to carry around the burden of being blamed for "giving him the fatal dose" before his death at The Viper Room.

Even though I was too young at the time to remember it personally, in all the rumors and research I've read about it, I've never heard that one. I've heard that he was aware of drug dealing at his business, that he may have even given someone else the drugs they added to Phoenix's infamous "blue cup" drink that Mathis had claimed to William Richert that he chugged before dying, but I've never heard the rumor that he was the one to do it.

Just a casual turn of phrase that doesn't reveal anything new? Or something else?

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by Anonymousreply 46June 28, 2018 10:14 AM

In the book "Last Night At The Viper Room", a famous rock star gave him the drink, but no one has named him. People have speculated it was Slash from Guns N Roses.

by Anonymousreply 1June 24, 2018 12:32 AM

Indiana Jones and the river Phoenix.

by Anonymousreply 2June 24, 2018 12:49 AM

I always remember that just before Phoenix died, Jiminy Glick (Martin Short) referred to The Viper Room as "the place where Young Hollywood goes to blow off steam (and who knows what else!)."

by Anonymousreply 3June 24, 2018 12:59 AM

I'm more concerned about Depp's missing business partner who went missing before a court case. I'm sure Depp has murdered people. It always comes out in the end. His end is near. He should just kill himself.

by Anonymousreply 4June 24, 2018 1:34 AM

R4, I can definitely see Johnny murdering. It wouldn't surprise me a bit. It would also explain his close friendship with Damien Echols of West Memphis 3 fame. I don't care what a bunch of celebrities and documentaries say, Damien gives me the creeps. I wouldn't trust him or Johnny either one.

by Anonymousreply 5June 24, 2018 1:47 AM

Regardless of who administered the dose. Phoenix chose to use that night.

by Anonymousreply 6June 24, 2018 1:52 AM

R4, Wow. That is some crazy shit. How did I not know any of this?

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by Anonymousreply 7June 24, 2018 1:58 AM

The dose came from a now dead member of Red Hot Chili Peppers. Phoenix took more dope after being brushed off about going on stage by Depp. Depp is a creep.

Depp let in under age Joaquin Pheonix in that night too. That's who called 911 from a pay phone as he watched his big brother die. Horribly, the call is on YouTube.

by Anonymousreply 8June 24, 2018 2:01 AM

River had been spending a lot of time with Red Hot Chili Peppers guitarist John Frusciante days before he died. River would stay at John's house and together they would do massive amounts of coke and heroin. Friends say River's appearance and behavior started to change during this time, becoming more erratic and looking filthy. When River and John arrived at the Viper Room that fateful night, both were already completely zonked. Then cocaine got passed around and River started having seizures. Then someone slipped him a Valium to calm him down.

by Anonymousreply 9June 24, 2018 2:04 AM

That's not what he said. The actual text of the article:

"He suffered through the death of his friend River Phoenix from an overdose at the club, amid wild claims in the supermarket rags that he'd delivered the fatal dose to Phoenix himself. 'Imagine living with that,' says Depp, his eyes clouding over."

He's saying imagine having to live with that accusation hanging over him. That's very different.

by Anonymousreply 10June 24, 2018 2:04 AM

Johnny Depp made that "Stuff" documentary about Frusciante. He was living like an animal in utter filth. Almost more surprising most of them lived through that period. Blood stains from needles on walls. Trash strewn everywhere, graffiti and manic paintings.

by Anonymousreply 11June 24, 2018 3:15 AM

In R.E.M's original video for "Strange Currencies", the story is played out, including Samantha Mathis in the video and a guy that looks like Frusciante.

But the real story is more convoluted. To those who say River knew he was using that night, unless you were there with him and have information about it, the confusion has been about whether he really was aware that he was using that particular night or using that much. The publicity was around whether he'd ever used or had a problem with drugs but by Samantha Mathis' account to William Richert (who almost went mad over what he sees as a major cover up or even a murder) that wasn't the relevant question on that night; did he know what was in that drink and how much?

The autopsy showed that he HADN'T been using, had certain drugs been present, broken down pieces of certain drugs or metabolites that break down drugs present, as if the body had been metabolizing them over time and none were there, except some cold medicine (for a cold he'd talked about having at that time) and that fatal Persian brown liquid in his stomach that hadn't even been broken down very much.

Then there was that weird interview with Peter Bogdanovich (now found on the dvd for "The Thing called Love") where he talks about the level of jealousy found in Hollywood, how he was angry (because he suspected foul play?!)

There's so many more oddities surrounding this. I'll look for the old DL links and post them.

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by Anonymousreply 12June 24, 2018 4:07 PM

R10 But that actual answer is different than what he's said before, which was just about his ownership of the club he died in. This is about stress over someone thinking he killed him or the press implying it. But I've never seen any press that blamed him, specifically, simply pointed the finger at him for owning a drug den of a club.

by Anonymousreply 17June 24, 2018 4:13 PM

R17 " [River] died in..."

by Anonymousreply 18June 24, 2018 4:13 PM

He should be declared incompetent and have a bunch of caretaker lawyers. And he should sell his houses and countries. Or he will be dead soon. God forbid, of course. I hope his lawyers can prove his manic spending and drug use. I mean the lawyers on the other side.

by Anonymousreply 20June 27, 2018 5:13 AM

dance with the devil he will dance on your grave

depp's a M E S S.......another one for the 2018 list perhaps.

by Anonymousreply 21June 27, 2018 7:36 AM

John Frusciante’s not dead, R8, if that’s who you’re talking about. You might be thinking of the member he replaced, Hillel Slovak, who died in 1988.

by Anonymousreply 22June 27, 2018 8:05 AM

r22 you are correct sir! hillel overdosed.......

by Anonymousreply 23June 27, 2018 10:18 AM

I feel bad for Judy Davis because she was made the villain of the piece after River's death, and made the scapegoat for his 'decline'. As if she forced him to be a drug addict? And what the fuck was he doing working on a movie when he was an active user?

by Anonymousreply 24June 27, 2018 10:51 AM

So I assume now that he confessed he'll be arrested?

by Anonymousreply 25June 27, 2018 10:52 AM

Talking abut River makes me think of Heath Ledger. He was dating Heather Graham back when she was making From Hell with Johnny. A lot of the younger Hollywood guys idolized Johnny. They thought he was brilliantly talented and cool. Heath was a pothead. He was a throwback to Hippies, an anachronism. His career was just heating up and rumor has that it was Johnny who introduced him to hard drugs and a wilder lifestyle. Maybe 7-8 years after River died, Heath and Joaquin Phoenix became close but Heath's spiral, his closely guarded wild lifestyle started with Depp, almost as if Depp had a type. I guess he was like some kind of Pied Piper back then.

by Anonymousreply 26June 27, 2018 11:14 AM

It wasn't about who gave who what dose, the anger was about River being taken out to the sidewalk to die, so as to protect the club

by Anonymousreply 27June 27, 2018 11:28 AM

R24 But the autopsy reports show that he wasn't using on the night. Besides the liquid still in his stomach that was so powerful, most of it was intact when he died, he'd only had some cold medicine and some weed from three days before. Whoever gave him those drugs, gave him a dose that was many times fatal: 8x the fatal amount of cocaine, 3x the fatal amount of heroin, plus a mess of other stuff in addition to that. It's like what would happen if a dealer swallowed a balloon with his whole stash and it burst in his stomach.

I'm not claiming River NEVER used but Sluizer insisted that he hadn't been using. He may have been going through bouts of anorexic euphoria based on obsessive method-type prep for his role, though because he'd been living off nothing but artichokes for a couple of months to keep with what his hermit character's body would have looked like surviving only off what he'd found in the desert.

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by Anonymousreply 28June 27, 2018 11:29 AM

Johnny sounds like he's haunted by ghosts.

by Anonymousreply 29June 27, 2018 11:31 AM

River had just returned from the desert where he was filming for about 6 weeks. He was clean, but had the Holloween weekend off, and was in LA, and decided to meet friends and do some partying. He had done some coke at the hotel room before heading over to the Viper Lounger. There he had a drink and later went to the VIP bathroom where John Frusciante gave him brown heroin to snort, which River assumed to be coke. The heroin he inhaled was 8-10 times a lethal dose, River trusted his friend and did not know what he was taking.

by Anonymousreply 31June 27, 2018 12:04 PM

Judy was right to be suspicious of him. She was treated like crap on that set.

by Anonymousreply 32June 27, 2018 12:14 PM

Judy Davis was a bitch to him during the film shoot. It was obvious to everyobody from the director to the crew and the cast. She heard he was a drug user and went into the project prejudiced even though River was totally clean for the entire shoot.

by Anonymousreply 33June 27, 2018 12:24 PM

r33, not the entire shoot moron. The movie had six weeks to go when River was taking drugs again at the Viper Room. Thank fuck for the Me Too movement, it has vindicated Judy Davis, who was treated like crap by the misogynist director who acted like River was a fucking saint and Jonathan Pryce, who never one spoke up for her.

by Anonymousreply 34June 27, 2018 2:40 PM

Judy Davis was the only person who didn't give River the treatment he was accustomed to.... that of the young hippie acting genius who could do no wrong and who was oh so anti establishment in his drug use. She saw right through that bullshit and treated him like the junkie he was. River was used to airy fairy enablers with no backbone and it shocked the hell out of him to have a strong woman like Judy Davis not fawn all over him. She had his best interests at heart but ultimately, he was victimised by his own vanity and the fake Hollywood scene that allowed him to destroy himself.

by Anonymousreply 35June 27, 2018 2:44 PM

How did Judy Davis get into this and why would anyone blame her?

by Anonymousreply 36June 27, 2018 4:06 PM

Oh Christ, another River Phoenix thread? He's so uninteresting. I actually rewatched My Own Private Idaho recently and it's even more tedious than I remembered. He, with his overacted narcoleptic fits and Keanu aren't very good in it.

by Anonymousreply 38June 28, 2018 12:44 AM

R3 + R44 are Judy Davis

Fuck you too moron. He was on break and didn't go into the weekend with the intention to do drugs, but was of course surrounded by friends who did, so he did too. Yes he did lapse while off set, but not while filming.

Judy Davis had built a reputation as the years passed of treating costars and the crew poorly, it wasn't just River.

by Anonymousreply 39June 28, 2018 1:24 AM

If River Phoenix hadn't died, Leo Dicaprio's career would've been very different.

by Anonymousreply 40June 28, 2018 1:36 AM

Yeah like Depp had no idea that people were openly buying/selling, and using drugs in his bar/club, riiiiight.

R5, Thanks to Depp and other stupid celebrities Echols and the others got out of prison and basically got away with murder.

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by Anonymousreply 41June 28, 2018 1:40 AM

Of course he knew people were buying, selling, and using there. That’s not what he’s saying.

If you want to blame Depp somehow, then you should also feel equally hostile towards the parties responsible for every environment where River Phoenix took drugs on the grounds that he could have overdosed there. Of course, then you’d probably have to blame River too, but it sounds like you’re not into that.

What if Depp had been the one to OD? Would you like him better than River?

by Anonymousreply 42June 28, 2018 3:11 AM

Depp was acting under orders from Judy Davis. They were in cahoots. Also, she dressed up as Dorothy for Halloween Night and was spotted in the Viper Room, waiting for Operation Over The Rainbow to take effect.

by Anonymousreply 43June 28, 2018 8:36 AM

"I can definitely see Johnny murdering. It wouldn't surprise me a bit. It would also explain his close friendship with Damien Echols of West Memphis 3 fame. I don't care what a bunch of celebrities and documentaries say, Damien gives me the creeps. I wouldn't trust him or Johnny either one."

Tell me the one about how the Lizard people and Queen Elizabeth in cahoots with the pope created Marilyn Manson.

by Anonymousreply 44June 28, 2018 9:16 AM

R42 I'm interested in a potential unsolved murder that may have been well covered up. I'm not saying it happened but maybe it did and something wasn't shared on the up and up about this because there's so much weirdness that came out of people related to it afterward and some very, strange statements made by directors and friends who thought it was foul play.

But I suppose that sort of stuff doesn't interest some people. To each their own.

by Anonymousreply 45June 28, 2018 10:13 AM

[quote]Sacrifice? BS. Frusciante didn't want Phoenix playing guitar in the jam session. He gave Phoenix an extra dose to make him too high to play. However, Frusciante was a huge junkie and gave him too much. Night of the memorial Johny Depp was at Frusciante's talking him down from suicide. They covered up the murder because of drugs and stuff, but it was manslaghter, not some sacrifice.

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by Anonymousreply 46June 28, 2018 10:14 AM
